Drainplug 100-110mm
Regular price
395,00 kr
Lindsolutions drainplug is a preventive product that is designed to protect against the damage that often occurs in connection with cloudbursts and storm surges. The drainplug is mounted in a drain 100-110mm when a cloudburst or storm surge is notified, thereby securing against water rising. No special prerequisites are required to install the Drainplug.
- The drainplug is suitable for drains between 100 and 110 mm
- The drainplug can in many cases secure side drains for the washing machine, washbasin and shower
- The drainplug is easily installed and without the use of tools
- The drainplug plug tightens extra as the water pressure increases
- The drain can be used in both drains and in drain bowls
- The drainplug has been tested to withstand a pressure of 4 meters of water (0.4 bar) when it is correctly fitted
By using the drainplug, costs for repairing damage to both the home and things that are stored are avoided. When the drainplug is removed, wipe it off and put it away until it is needed next time.